Globalization Essay

Globalization Essay

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Have you heard of the word globalization? Globalization refers to “making worldwide.” It is the process of integration and interaction of people from all the nations of the world. Globalization is facilitated in many ways, including global trade and investments and international organizations and politics. The world is now increasingly becoming interconnected, and this is what is being referred to as a “global village” which means that it is becoming easier for one to interact with another person who is in another continent through the technological advancements.

Through globalization, the people of the world have been brought closer to each other than never before. It has become increasingly easier to interact with people from various countries, and the transfer of information from one person to another has become not only efficient but also much faster as compared to the old historical times. This is not to say that there was no globalization before, but rather globalization is a process, and in this current century, we are experiencing a lot of effects, both good and bad as a result of globalization. So one may ask the question, is globalization good or bad? This can only be answered on close evaluation of the implication of globalization, and particularly when writing an essay on globalization. By writing an essay on globalization, you can be able to find relevant points of view on this issue and come up with a reasonable justification for your opinion on globalization.

Facilitators of Globalization

Globalization is a beneficial thing for all the nations of the world, and it is facilitated by three main key determinants:

  1. Information Technology

Information technology is the key player in globalization. The advent of the internet brought very many benefits, including globalization. Many people nowadays use the internet for social interaction, and it is possible to communicate with anyone all over the world. Information technology has made globalization possible in the aspect of social media whereby communicating through text messages, voice-calling, and even video-calling is the order of the day.

  1. International Trade

Many nations value international trade as it is one of the means to generate an income for the expenditure by the governments of ruling states. International trade enhances globalization by acting as a platform for countries to relate with one another through the selling and buying of products. This point is very crucial, and it is the most relevant point when writing an economic globalization essay.

  1. Global Investments

In addition, as one of the ways for countries to generate an income, the government or private persons make financial investments in other countries in the form of businesses and other economically viable institutions. Through these interactions, globalization also takes place.

Aspects of Globalization

Globalization is a process that has made independent nations develop relations with each other and become interdependent. These relations are seen in various aspects, including political relations, economic relations, international trade, international organizations, environmental relations, and cultural relations, among others.

Basic Tips on How to Write a Globalization Essay

When you are writing a globalization essay, it is important to pay attention to these key points to come up with an awarding essay.

  1. Have a captivating title for your globalization essay that captures the interest of the reader and creates an urge to read the essay to find out what information it contains.

  2. Look at globalization from every perspective. Do not limit your thinking to something particular in writing the globalization essay. Have an open mind and think critically.

  3. Try to incorporate the current affairs concerning globalization, for example, discuss the key issue of climate change with regard to globalization and the decisions that are being made by various nations worldwide concerning climate change

  4. Discuss the impact of the key players or determinants of globalization in your essay, including information technology, investments, and international trade.

  5. To make your globalization essay even more interesting, you could discuss some controversial topics surrounding globalization. These may include the diversification of companies and employment opportunities all over the world. The issues of rising of nations that are termed as “superpowers” and the creation of economic or political blocs in the world.

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Globalization Essay Topics

There is a range of globalization essay topics that you could choose from when writing an essay since globalization is associated with very many aspects of our current society and the world at large. Some suitable choices for globalization essay topics that you could use for your essay include:

  1. Is Globalization Good Or Bad?

  2. The Role Of Information Technology In Globalization

  3. Globalization Pros And Cons Essay

  4. Discuss The Political Effects Of Globalization

  5. Elaborate On Sociocultural Effects Of Globalization

  6. Globalization And Societal Development: How Globalization Affects Societal Development

  7. Economic Globalization Essay

These topics form great discussion topics in which you can write very interesting globalization essays for your target audience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

One aspect that is crucial when it comes to writing a globalization essay is discussing the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. Globalization has various advantages and disadvantages, and the following is a list of essential points that you could focus on when writing the globalization essay.

(Note that it is crucial for you to categorize the advantages and disadvantages so that you can obtain a lot of relevant points to discuss on the essay and also for you not to miss out on some areas concerning globalization).

Advantages of Globalization

In terms of the advantages of globalization, you could further classify these into:

  1. Economic Advantages

  1. Increased production of goods and services by a nation

  2. Freedom to trade with other countries

  3. Acts as a source of capital for the countries of the world

  4. Increased development of infrastructure

  5. Globalization has increased the industrialization of a nation

  6. Development of healthy competition in businesses and institutions

  1. Sociocultural Advantages

  1. Worldwide social interaction through the internet

  2. Information technology advancement enhances social interaction

  3. A constant flow of information which is educative to people

  4. Development of creativity and innovation in socialization and culture

  1. Political Advantages

  1. Increased democratic cooperation worldwide

  2. Decreased incidence of global wars among nations

  3. Creation of international organizations aimed at worldwide political agenda

  4. Creation of standard international laws and policies

Disadvantages of Globalization

Globalization also has various disadvantages, and you can also classify them systematically as it has been shown below:

  1. Economic Disadvantages

  1. Development of limited movement of labor

  2. Depletion of non-renewable resources of energy including gasoline

  3. Development of economic restrictions and sanctions by some nations

  1. Sociocultural Disadvantages

  1. Destruction of forests and clearing of trees for the establishment of infrastructure causing climate change

  2. Destruction of the environment, especially the protective O-Zone layer

  3. Environmental pollution in terms of deposition of toxic pollutants such as plastics and other non-biodegradable materials from industries

  4. Death of underwater organisms and other micro-organisms which live in the soil through pollution by ships transporting goods

  5. People have become obsessed with having wealth, and they have become materialistic

  6. The gradual loss of indigenous culture as people are becoming civilized worldwide.

  7. Development of job insecurity for the citizens of a country due to obtaining experts from other nations

  1. Political Disadvantages

  1. Loss of sovereignty of a nation due to the formation of alliances worldwide

  2. Globalization affects nations politically in terms of influencing the forms of governments that are present in developing nations

The list provided above shows some of the many advantages and disadvantages of globalization. You could discuss some of these points in single paragraphs in the globalization essay as well as add more information that is relevant for your essay.

Things to Remember When Writing a Globalization Essay

When writing your globalization essay, it is paramount for you to remember a few key points. These points are relevant, especially when you need to make a quick assessment of the topic that you want to discuss in globalization or even in preparing to begin writing your essay. These points help you to become a better writer or to produce the best globalization essay.

  1. The globalization essay can be quite lengthy, and so it is important to use paragraphs to discuss separate ideas. This will not only ensure that you have fully discussed each point that you have in mind but also to help the reader understand the flow of ideas in your essay and also for the ease of reading the essay.

  2. Make an outline of the essay before you begin writing. Every individual is advised to always start by making an outline of what you would like to discuss in your globalization essay. An outline will help you to organize your ideas and make an order in which you will discuss them in your essay. It will also assist you in ensuring that you did not miss the point in writing your essay.

  3. Create an interesting introduction and conclusion for your globalization essay. Two of the most common areas where readers focus on is the introduction and the conclusion of the essay. It is easier to captivate the reader by making an introduction which stimulates reading the essay and a conclusion that satisfies the reader. As such, pay close attention to making these parts of the globalization essay stand out. This can be done through starting the essay with a rhetorical question, or an interesting statement which you can further elaborate in the introduction. The conclusion can be made interesting by summarizing some of the key points that you discussed in the globalization essay and then providing your opinion on the subject. It would also be interesting to add a concluding remark from a famous saying or quote by a renowned person.

  4. Create a powerful thesis statement. Before you write your globalization essay, develop a thesis statement, which is a statement from which you would wish to base your discussion on globalization topic. An example of a globalization thesis statement is “Globalization is an awesome strategy that has led to increased social interaction among the people of the world through the use of the internet.” From this thesis statement, you could now further discuss how globalization has led to social interaction through the establishment of information technology, in particular, the internet. The thesis statement is a statement that you would have to qualify through the various discussion and arguments that you provide in your globalization essay.

  5. Revise your work. Just like in any other essay, you should always remember to revise your work. It will help you to make the necessary adjustments in your essay in a bid to make your globalization essay better for everyone to read and understand.

  6. Be sure to include the sources that you used in writing your globalization essay at the end of the essay. It is important for the reader, especially when you are required to use credible sources for your essay.

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Globalization Essay Example

As a guide on how to structure your globalization, below are two essays on globalization from selected topics in which the principles and tips that have been discussed above have been applied. One globalization essay example focusses on the political effects of globalization while the other globalization essay example is about the beneficial sociocultural influences of globalization. I encourage you to take the time to go through them and discover how to structure your essay.

Essay 1

Political Effects of Globalization

Globalization is a process that has been happening, particularly in the 21st century. The tendency towards international relations increasing amongst the nations of the world is a great development, and the effects of globalization have already been felt in all aspects, including economic, sociocultural, and political effects. Globalization has had a significant impact, particularly in the political field among the nations of the world. What are these political effects of globalization? In order to answer this question, this essay will discuss the political effects of globalization.

The political effects of globalization can be classified into advantageous and disadvantageous effects. Among the advantageous effects, globalization has decreased the incidence of global wars among the nations of the world. This is primarily because as the countries in the world interact internationally, there is the creation of peaceful and diplomatic relations in which nations agree on how they will interact with each other in terms of trade or any other way.

Another political advantage derived from globalization is the creation of international laws and policies. Through globalization, the leaders of the nations of the world are able to meet and hold important discussions concerning world politics and international relations. Through this, there is the creation of international laws and policies which guide and regulate the conduct of all the member states. In addition, another advantage that is also related to this is the establishment of international organizations. The world leaders may also agree on the creation of political alliances or organizations which will enable them to have better and coordinated power in ruling the nations, especially when it comes to international matters. Sometimes the world leaders may form political blocs which enable them to have a more powerful say in world politics and influence other leaders.

Globalization, however, creates some negative political effects worldwide, including the loss of sovereignty of a nation. This may occur especially after the formation of international political alliances. Some of the member states of these nations may lose their sovereignty in the sense that they feel like the other nations have directly or indirectly interfered with their political independence as a state.

Moreover, these states may feel as if they have no decision-making power within the alliance and that the government is not able to influence the political matters of their state. Some states, as a result of the formation of the alliances, may have to change their form of government, which they may not have done if they did not have such international alliances as a result of globalization.

In conclusion, globalization of the world is something to be proud of, especially with regards to the good benefits that are derived from it in the economic, sociocultural, and particularly in the political arena. However, there are some negative political implications of globalization, and it is a challenge for the world leaders to find amicable solutions for these challenges.

Essay 2

Globalization and Beneficial Sociocultural Influences

Whenever you mention about globalization, one automatically thinks of a globe, something that is spherical. Globalization can be visualized in the aspect of the world being round. It is a historical process that is still going on, which entails general growth and interaction amongst the people of the world. It also includes international relations among states. Globalization is a key trigger of world development, and it is facilitated by good information technology, strong international relations, and global investments. The world has seen great developments all arising from globalization and especially in the sociocultural point of view. We, in our society, live and experience the effects of globalization every day.

One of the major sociocultural benefits of globalization is the development of worldwide social interaction through the internet. The establishment of the internet acts as a platform for people all over the world to interact through sending messages, emails, and even video calling. This is, most importantly facilitated by the new age advancement in social interaction, especially through social media. Social media came about as a result of the development of the internet, and it is now the spearheading factor when it comes to globalization. Nowadays, it is very easy to communicate with someone in another country or continent through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and many more.

From the sociocultural perspective, the more people use social media, the more the world experiences globalization. It is a beneficial vicious cycle. You are now able to communicate with your relative who lives on an island in Madagascar while you live in the United States of America simply by texting a message which is sent through the internet. In simple terms, globalization has crushed the boundaries of nations and enabled people to get in touch whenever they need to do so.

Furthermore, in this 21st century, the advent of globalization has brought forth free and enhanced information flow. Through the creation of the internet, more people are able to produce informative content and to share it all over the world for people to be educated about a particular topic. Nowadays, it is relatively easy to publish a study once you have undertaken research about a topic and everyone can get to read about this and get the new information for their consumption.

Globalization acts as a means for people to interact, share ideas, and develop their skills in doing something. This includes the development of creativity and innovation in culture and social activities that occur in society. As such, there is a constant flow of information from one person to another, and this has enhanced the skills and knowledge of people concerning various issues in society.

All in all, in this essay, the beneficial sociocultural influences of globalization have been reviewed. To sum it all up, some of the benefits of globalization in the society include the creation of a consistent flow of information on various subjects, creating a platform for social interaction, and the development of creativity and innovation.


To sum it all up, globalization is something that has been happening and still happening even in this present time in our world. It refers to the process of interaction among people, communities, and nations that are in the world, and it has various political, economic, and sociocultural advantages and disadvantages. When writing a globalization essay, it is important to have an open mind and consider globalization from all perspectives so that you create an essay that is not limited to one point of view. The above guide provides some of the best tips to be employed in designing an amazing globalization essay, including some relevant topics to use, and examples of globalization essays. This is the ultimate guide for you to utilize when writing a globalization essay.